What do you do!!

I have been writing on many topics for quite some time. Probably the better way to say would be, I have been literally doing the “operation” of the human psychology and emotions. So this time I thought of trying something new. I thought of writing a fictional love story. Getting inspired by some authors writing love stories and seeing how those writings appeal to youth, I thought of trying the same. I started writing about two characters Maanav and Devi who had to fall in love at some point of time in my story. Forget about falling in love, Maanav and Devi were not even introduced to each other, before I realized that it’s not what I love writing on. I was hardly getting any interest while writing on such stories. And finally I decided to get back to my area of interest and do what I love.

The simple idea of getting back to doing what I love suddenly filled me with a sense of pride that I do only what I love. But soon I felt, no I don’t always do what I love, rather I love what I do and sometimes or most of the times I don’t even love what I do. I do just for the sake of doing. On analysing how doing and loving are related I found while doing anything you might:

Be doing what you love

When you get to do what you love, you feel great. You would feel very satisfied and contented while doing the work you love. If you are doing what you love then surly the results would be good. There will be no procrastination. And finally at the end you would get a sense of achievement. You would feel proud that you did it.

Be doing what you don’t love

When you do something which you don’t like, the outcome is generally not fruitful. You might do it for various reasons. Either you are forced to do it by people or society or you do it for money or recognition. Anyhow, more are the chances that, at the end of the story you are not going to feel really contented. You would feel a little or more than a little dejected while doing the work and after doing it as well.

Be loving what you do

This situation mixes with “doing what you love” up to certain extent. There are two possibilities here. First, you start loving the work you are doing and the next time you would do that work as you have started loving it. Second, you have to do that work and you have started enjoying it as there is no sense crying over it and getting frustrated. However if you had an option of leaving it, you might have left it. Actually there is a high degree of possibility that you never loved that work.

Anyhow most of you have figured out that we should either do what we love; otherwise we should start loving what we are doing.

Let us move one step deeper into “do what you love”. Let us try to understand how do we find what do we love doing? We did not have any liking when we were born. Since the time we were born we were made to love doing different things. In fact whatever we loved doing, we first did that to love it. This means we do something first which can or cannot be liked by us. To love some work first you have to give it a try. So the more important thing in life is to DO. If you love it, do it, else leave it.

Well, does that mean you can do anything that you love? The answer is NO. Even finding out that whether you actually love doing something is also not that simple. Sometimes we get a feeling that we will love doing something or we love doing something while in reality we won’t or we don’t. After thinking a lot finally I decided I cannot say I love doing something if it gives me or it will give me temporary happiness. If I have an opportunity to do something that can give me persistent happiness that stays throughout my life then I should definitely try it. There can be many tasks or activities doing which give you temporary happiness, but the happiness won’t last long. The real task or activity is the one doing which you feel yes, you are doing it and at the end you say yes, you did it. For example you cannot create your palace by breaking others’ houses. This means you cannot be happy in a long term by harming/hurting others. At some point of time you are going to regret which would mean loss of happiness. So it will be better to avoid getting involved into any such activities. Essentially watch for the tasks that can give you permanent happiness, do them, love them and at the end say you did them.


  1. Gr8 One Bro!! Real time scenerio is We have to do anything "Love or Dont love" to expedite :). What do u say?

    1. Well....there should be expected sustaining happiness too...

  2. Hey coincidentally, similar thoughts boggled me just a day back..I have something to add :-)

    I don't like to wash clothes but I like to wear tidy ones..conclusion:when we associate an aim/outcome, we don't just do it for the sake of doing.
    "Keeping an eye on the purpose solves so many purposes"

    When I see a guy serving food at our cafeteria, he seems to enjoy his mechanical, monotonous, less paid and hectic job. When I look at my many of my IT colleagues, who don't merely enjoy this delicious (sometimes less tasty) food because of all the java or .NET's inside their heads..This makes me feel like - Its our mind that we carry everywhere and its our attitude that we choose and seldom able to change about our jobs.
    "Accepting the nature of job is the first step to enjoy and gradually Love it."
